
Punctuation Exercise

In last weeks lesson, the class came up with individual movements for different types of punctuation eg. a fullstop (.) a question mark (?) an ellipsis (...) ect.

We came up with movements that would represent each piece of punctuation we could think of.

We were given a character (mine was Kojo) then walked around the room reading the script and every time we came to a piece of punctuation we had to stop and act out the movement for that piece of punctuation.

I actually learnt a lot from this exercise because i began to recognise the punctuation in more detail and learn further into what that means.

I learnt that Kojo uses a lot of ellipsis's. For example page 17, scene seven the first piece dialogue Kojo says is full of ellipsis's "The place where i am from...Where I have come from...Cote d'lvoire..." This suggests that Kojo could be quite lost, unsure and also disarranged.

An ellipsis can indicate a pause in a persons speech, so i learnt that for Kojo to use alot of 'pauses' he must be quite confused and unsure as to perhaps where he is, where he comes from and what he is talking about.

In addition i learnt that in general Kojo may be shy and reserved in terms of personality. Abi morgan )i believe) has chosen Kojo to use ellipses to show an insecurity, a vulnerability and reservedness. With reservedness also come mystery and i think that there is an air or mystery with Kojo because he speaks a different language, he is from Ivory coast and ends up stabbing a man.

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